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Supporting VA’s Capital Planning Processes

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Strategic Capital Investment Planning, Facility Planning, Space and Equipment Planning, Federal Budget Support, Budget Prospectus Development, Budgetary Scoring and Legislative Analysis, Process Improvement Solutions, Development of Technology Solutions, Training
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The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) identified a significant need to right-size their space inventory to adapt to the ongoing shift from inpatient to outpatient healthcare, address the growing facility condition backlog, increase workload capacity, and improve building efficiency. Since FY 2012, members of the Craddock Group have supported VA in execution of an innovative strategic capital planning process to identify service gaps, enable the development of both capital and non-capital solutions to address needs and objectives, and equitably prioritize proposed projects at an enterprise-level, to efficiently deploy limited funding resources.

As part of the annual Strategic Capital Investment Planning (SCIP) process, each administration/region created 10-year Action Plans for projects to close existing performance gaps (e.g., space, utilization, facility condition, energy, etc.) and enhance Veteran services. Business Cases were then created, submitted, scored, and prioritized so that resources are best allocated to serve the Nation’s Veterans. As part of the department’s annual Budget Submission to OMB, Non-IT Business Case Applications are prepared for each major construction and major lease project.


1. SCIP Long-Range Plan Development Support

Updated the SCIP Long-Range Action Plan summaries using revised data and provided project management support for the upcoming fiscal year SCIP process. Supported the SCIP Action Plan review processes and all SCIP Panel and SCIP Board review sessions. Improved and tested Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) templates and CEA training materials. Supported local VA Field offices completion of SCIP Business Cases through the “SCIP Helpdesk” (via email/telephone).

2. SCIP Business Case Validation & Prioritization

Reviewed and provided validation of the Business Cases, after receiving local VA Field Offices regions submittal. Assisted with the SCIP Decision Criteria weighting sessions and with Auto Score/Panel Score Data Integration. After Business Cases are scored and prioritized, summarized and compiled VA Long-Range Capital Plan Submissions for OMB and Congressional Budget submissions.

3. Major Project Scope and Cost Validations

Validated costs and scopes for Major Construction and Major Lease projects with VA’s Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM). Conducted market research to confirm the availability of vacant land parcels and determine average rents and operating/ maintenance costs. Coordination of lease prospectuses, rental estimates, and OMB scoring analyses with CFM, the VA Office of Management, and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

4. Preparation of Non-IT Business Case Packages

Prepared prospectuses and all supplemental documentation in support of the President’s annual Budget submissions, which includes prospectuses, CEAs, alternatives analyses, risk analyses, and other supporting documentation.

Supported VA in its facilitation of a comprehensive capital planning process that includes evaluation of more than 6,000 projects per year and a 10-year requirement exceeding $60 billion.

Assisted VA with compliance and monitoring project execution progress.
Facilitated pre-planning for potential mid-level and major lease projects, which also included market-level healthcare demand planning, sizing of facilities, and coordination of activities among various VA stakeholders.

Assisted VA in submitting all VHA Major Lease and Major Construction budget packages for the President’s Budget since FY2018.

Reviewed Agency Specific Requirements to prepare cost estimates for the FY2020 Major Lease packages.

Analyzed execution costs for awarded Major Leases to compare how costs shifted as the VA procurement of Major Leases has evolved.

Business people working on case study



Supported VA in its facilitation of a comprehensive capital planning process that includes evaluation of more than 6,000 projects per year and a 10-year requirement exceeding $60 billion.

Assisted VA with compliance and monitoring project execution progress.
Facilitated pre-planning for potential mid-level and major lease projects, which also included market-level healthcare demand planning, sizing of facilities, and coordination of activities among various VA stakeholders.

Assisted VA in submitting all VHA Major Lease and Major Construction budget packages for the President’s Budget since FY2018.

Reviewed Agency Specific Requirements to prepare cost estimates for the FY2020 Major Lease packages.

Analyzed execution costs for awarded Major Leases to compare how costs shifted as the VA procurement of Major Leases has evolved.

Associated Capability

Capital Planning & Budgeting

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