Senior Vice President

Current Work Experience
Mr. Troy is a Senior Vice President at The Craddock Group and is based in the Charleston, SC metropolitan area. With over 12 years of real estate experience, he leads teams to support federal and local agencies in real estate planning, design, financing, and development through partnerships with the private sector.
Prior Work Experience
Prior to joining The Craddock Group, Mr. Troy was a Senior Vice President at Carr Companies in Washington, DC. At Carr Companies, he was responsible for running acquisition efforts, targeting ground-up development, and strategic value-add renovation opportunities with a primary focus in the Mid-Atlantic region. Mr. Troy also led a portion of the recapitalization efforts of existing assets in the Carr Companies’ $700 million portfolio, along with retail leasing efforts for the firm’s hotel assets. Prior to working at Carr Companies, Mr. Troy spent 6.5 years at the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) in Washington, DC, eventually managing the entirety of the city’s real estate disposition and development efforts as the Director of Real Estate. At DMPED, Mr. Troy led a team of over 20 individuals comprised of project directors, project managers, attorneys, and support staff to manage DMPED’s real estate and economic development goals.
Mr. Troy is a graduate of the University of Richmond, Robins School of Business (BSBA).